Born in 1982 (Hungary), lives and works in Oslo

2013-16.  Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Norway)
2015-15.  School of Visual Arts, New York, exchange program (USA)
2009-09. Bilder Nordic School of Photography (Norway)
2004-06. University of Pecs – MSc in Economics (Hungary)
2000-04. Budapest Business School – BSc in Economics (Hungary)


-> 2024. (upcoming exhibition) Fotogalleri Vasli Souza, Oslo

2021. Yujiapu Dream, Oslo Negativ / Podium, Det Gamle Biblioteket, Oslo
2019. Hypnagogic hues, white skies and other proxies, Podium, Oslo
2015. Herein is True and Accurate, White Box Gallery, KHIO, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2015. Uncharted Territories, Portner Galleri, KHIO, Oslo National Academy of the Arts

2015. Both are likey this time, School of Visual Arts, SVA, New York 

-> 2024. (ongoing exhibition) KUBE / Viti, Ålesund, Norway 

2023. DEMO, Oslo Negativ / Bjørka, Den gamle Veterinærhøgskolen, Oslo
2023. Dark Sky Sanctuary :: Gjerdrum, LANDART 2023, Ask, Norway
2023. Coast Contemporary, Museum Nord, Lofotakvariet, Kabelvåg, Norway
2023. New Visions – The Henie Onstad Triennial for Photography and New Media, Henie Onstad Art Center, Oslo
2022. You Don`t Look Me in the Eyes, Oslo Negativ / Bjørka, Det Gamle Biblioteket, Oslo
2022. Oslo Open Art Festival, open studio and guided tour at Bjørka, Oslo
2021. Infopsin: ECHOPRAXIA, Gallery 1986 / Swallow, Vilnius
2021. The Mountain Body - Norangsdalen by Helle Siljeholm, Høstscena, Ålesund
2021. Image may contain: hill station, sky and outdoor, Greenlightdistrict 2021, Skiens Kunstforening
2021. The Mountain Body - Kolsås by Helle Siljeholm, MUNCH, Oslo
2021. Infopsin: AWWWD, Kunsthall Oslo
2020. The Mountain Body - Skjonghelleren by Helle Siljeholm, Høstscena, Ålesund
2020. Market Logic, Studio 17, Stavanger
2020. Om å bøye virkeligheten, Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu
2019. Oslo Open Art Festival, open studio and guided tour at Bjørka, Oslo
2018. Høstutstillingen 2018, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2017. Screengrab, Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2017. Oslo Open Art Festival, open studio and guided tour at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2016. Avgangsutstilling 2016, BFA, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo
2016. Cosmic Glitch, Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger
2015. Keeper, Tapper, Poker, Bot, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Skylight, Oslo
2015. Let`s Wait For the Group, Chambre d`Amis, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna
2015. Inter <Nation> Move, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius
2015. Site/specific, School of Visual Arts, New York
2015. Generation 80s, Month of Photography 2015, Balassi Institute, Sofia
2014. Images of Memory, Nida Art Colony, Nida

2014. Bjørka 15 år, Jubileumsutstilling, Oslo Prosjektrom, Oslo
2014. Fire from the North (workshop & exhibition), Vardø Museet, Vardø
2014. -, Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2014. PI Laboratory, Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2013. OSLO Bydeler, Galleri Vulkan, Oslo
2012. Generation 80s, Photo Month 2012, ArtBazis, Budapest
2012. Reality-Fiction, ArtBazis, Budapest


2023. Artist grant (5 years, Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)
2022. Project support (Norwegian Photographic Fund / NOFOFO)
2022. Project support (Norwegian Visual Artists’ Fund / BKV) 
2021. Artist grant (2 years, Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)
2021. Project support (Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)
2021. Project support (Norwegian Visual Artists’ Fund / BKV)
2020. Artist grant (1 year, Norwegian Visual Artists’ Fund / BKV)
2020. Project support (Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)
2020. Project support (Norwegian Visual Artists’ Fund / BKV)
2019. Project support (Norwegian Visual Artists’ Fund / BKV)
2019-21. Artist assistant grant in collaboration with Marte Aas (Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)
2016. Studio Grant at Kunstnernes Hus (Fondet for Kunst- og Designstudenter / FKDS)
2017. Miscellaneous grant for recently graduated artists (Arts Council Norway / Kulturrådet)


2021. Konflikt eller symbiose? Sammenkveilede ledninger og mycelium, Kunsthåndverk, Nr.3/2021.
2020. Se, se og se igjen, Morgenbladet 
2020. Lys og stjernestøv, Klassekampen
2020. Hva har en plastpose, en LED-skjerm og dongeri til felles?, Contemporary Art Stavanger
2020. Ingen Kunst uten Fiberoptikk, Billedkunst Nr.2
2020. Artiopsin-wt040f-07, Artnews.LT, (link)
2019. Degrowth: utopies, alternatives, strategies. Review of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2019, Epiteszforum, (link)
2019. Du lever i et drivhus, Kunstkritikk, (link)
2019. Kunstig lys og grenseløs økonomisk vekst på Podium, OFKS blogg, (link)
2018. Issue #8, Uncertain States Scandinavia, (link)


Norwegian Association for Fine Art Photographers (FFF, Norway)
Bjørka Workshop for Camera Based Arts (Stiftelsen Bjørka, Norway)
